30-Day Challenge: Positive Relationships

Across our community there has been plenty of effort made to acknowledge the positive relationships we are seeing in the last week and a half. This includes:

  • 239 nominations for students by their peers
  • 165 students who have recognised positive staff
  • 93 examples of positive relationships students have shown with staff
  • 30 staff recognised by their colleagues

The following are a sample of the nominated statements:

  • Anhad 7C – “I was having a hard time with my current friends so I went to him and he welcomed me so we are now friends. He is supportive, funny and cares about my wellbeing. He has done a lot for me so far in Year 7.”
  • Ciara 8C – “Ciara has been showing care and compassion for lending her equipment to others in the class that need it.”
  • Densi 9I – “This student has shown respect to me, that led us to have a positive friendship.”
  • “Ms. Georgiadis is really funny and positive all the time. She makes everyone feel better and always has a joke ready. She recognizes each of our strengths and weaknesses and is understanding.”
  • “Mr. Self is always willing to put himself out and find time to make sure us as students succeed and will do everything in his power to help us in the best way possible. He also makes the classroom environment relaxing and fun rather than being a stressful and strict environment which allows me to feel more comfortable and focus on my work.”
  • “Ms. Reinsch is a really understanding and kind person and always has a positive vibe.”

Eid Treasure Hunt 

On Thursday 12 May, Middle Years Campus students were able to participate in an Eid Treasure Hunt. This was a fantastic opportunity for many students of all cultures to celebrate a time of charity, joy, and blessings with our Muslim community. It also provided a fun way for students to learn about Ramadan and EID. Students enjoyed the festivities during lunchtime, including working individually or in teams to locate 10 pairs of students around the school that had answers to 10 questions in relation to Ramadan and EID. Once all 10 answers were found, students returned with their sheet of answers and received lollies. Thank you to the wellbeing team and ambassadors for organising such a fantastic event! Eid Mubarak to all.

Salvation Army Donations

The local Salvation Army works hard to support families in our Mill Park community who at times might need some extra help. Some families are not always able to access food and need a little more help and kindness from time to time. 

Some of the generous staff and students at Mill Park Secondary College donated non perishable items to help fill the pantry at the Salvation Army Mill Park, to help support families within our community. Thank you to those who donated and extended kindness to our community! 

Young Women in Trades excursion

This was a great opportunity for some of our girls in Year 9.

You can read more about the adventures of Madelene, Jessica, Janneziah, Chloe and Haleemah in the Careers section of this newsletter.

Simon McRae 

Middle Years Campus Principal