Top Arts at the NGV 2022 Excursion

VCE Season of Excellence 2022

On Wednesday 4 May, the Year 12 Studio Arts class viewed the annual Top Arts exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria. The introductory talk gave us all valuable insights into the key concepts emerging from the exhibition, exhibition constraints and the wide range of mediums on show. There were five main themes underpinning the selection of work. Passing time, identity and reflection, home and sanctuaries, connecting with nature and a good life. Top Arts folios also explored how gender, mental health, family and friends worked to define identity and belonging. 


There was valuable advice from the exhibitors, such as “Connect with your theme-choose something you got excited about, or has personal meaning, the passion will help you stay motivated and engaged with your folio through the year” and “Trust in the process-try something different, don’t restrict your ideas, the key is exploration, pushing yourself keeps it fresh and fun”. 

After the introductory talk, we viewed the student folios and were thoroughly inspired by the diverse approaches to experimentation and trialling different materials and techniques. The exhibition itself was designed to best present a wide range of folios- including ceramics, photography, paintings and prints, performance and film. The design of the exhibition space carefully considered lighting, traffic flow and the visual dialogue between the works on display.

We then caught the lift up to the third floor where the Australian Portrait Gallery showcased powerful works by Julie Dowling and Peter Booth, among others. Booth’s painting ‘Painting 1977’ was a monumental explosion of color and texture. It was something to behold up close. 

After a quick bite to eat, we then walked across to Hosier Lane to experience the cacophony of colorful street art that characterizes public art spaces such as this popular attraction. Hosier Lane was such a gritty contrast to the ordered, climate – controlled confines of the NGV. After many photographs after our day of cultural experiences we turned back to Flinders Street station and caught the train home, sharing the brightest of photographs as the train swayed its way back to South Morang.


Ms Wilson

VCE Studio Arts Teacher