Mill Park Secondary College offers students the opportunity to participate in a comprehensive Interschool Sports Program across all year levels of the College. Many of Mill Park Secondary College teams have been successful at both a District and State level.

Sporting teams students can become part of include both male and female Australian Rules Football, Soccer, Netball, Athletics, Swimming, Cross country, Cricket, Basketball, Volleyball, Tennis, Table tennis and Badminton. Participation in Interschool Sport programs gives all students the opportunity to develop their physical, social and personal skills through sporting competition with other schools at Local, State and National Levels.

Involvement in the Interschool sport program assists students with the opportunity to further develop and display the College values of respect, responsibility, achievement and enjoyment. while also contributing to improving students’ self-regulation, resilience, academic stamina and performance.

The College holds a College Athletics carnival annually in March/April, where all students are encouraged to participate.